Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hey Boy's and Mommy and Lil Emma, 
Today, we went for a hike up a big mountain called 3 Peaks.  It took us about 45 minutes to get there and then about an hour just to climb up to the top.  We had a lot of fun while we were up there and it snowed on us while we were hiking.  These are some of the pictures that I took while I was up there…I hope you enjoy them.  I really wish I could take you up there someday as it would be a fun hike for us to make.  Emma will have to be a little older for her to enjoy it, but I could carry her in the back-pack since she is still little.  Love and miss you guys, I think of you often…most of the time when i am hiking like this as it reminds me of the fun times we have had out-doors together.  Love you!  Dad.

We hiked up to the top of all three of those peaks.

I climbed a tree at the top of the hill so I could see further. 
Sometimes it was easier to get down the mountain by sliding on your bottom...

This is my own personal chair…hanging over a ravine.

I decided that if it got too cold and the snow got really bad that I was going to sleep in there with the bears and mountain lions…oh my!

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