Boys; the answer to the last question is this: You call seagulls that live in the bay…Bagels!!

This is the front of the airplane…I spent about 20 hours staring into nothing but open sky and clouds.

This is Wake Island. We stop here for gas so we don't spend too much time in the airplanes. It was the place of a huge battle between us and the Japanese in WWII…lot's of good men died here during that time. Remember the Blue Planet where they talk about the reefs with all the sharks and stuff getting washed up from the really deep part of the ocean? Well, that is what this place is…a huge mountain that just barely pokes its head above the water.

You can see by the different color of water and the waves where the start of the mountain is. The water is really blue cause the floor of the ocean is really deep right around there. The lagoon is a lighter color of blue, almost green cause you can see the bottom about 20 feet beneath the surface.

Some of the wild-life that is there is some sweet birds, possibly frigates, that fly around and yell at you.

Here is a friendly Hermit Crab. He doesn't like being bothered so he spend most of his time in his shell…i had to sit quietly for about 3 minutes before he popped out and started walking again.

It is winter here but the weather was about 80 degrees, warmer than it is in Beaufort. The storms bring some good waves in the winter time, that is pretty far away from where I am at, but it still is pretty cool to see that much water crashing into the rocks.

We had to leave the very next day, I wanted to stick around for a couple more days...

that on the runway, ready to take-off

More tanking...

That is me in the basket getting the gas…

this is what Japan looks like from the air…a bunch of islands...

This is right before we landed in Iwakuni, Japan where we are going to be staying for the next couple of months. I will send you boy's more pictures of my room and the base and some people when I get a chance. I love you boy's and be good for mommy!
Love, Dad.
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