Monday, February 28, 2011

Sunday afternoon and Emma

 Sunday was a beautiful day here. So, after church we ate lunch, changed our clothes and headed to Pigeon Point park. We rode on these old looking animals. It was fun for about 30 seconds.
 Mommy wanted to take a picture with me (Jake), but I didn't want to smile. So....
 She kissed me to try to get me to laugh. It worked.
 Noah skinned his arm on one of the play structures. He took a break on the swing to heal up.
 This is not sunday. It was some day last week. Isn't she cute?
 We think she can feel her two bottom teeth now because she always is gnawing on that bottom lip.
She started out on her back and this is how far she makes it to rolling over. So close!!

We love you dad! Wish you could be here to do all this stuff with us, but we are waiting patiently for you to come home. We can do it all again then.
  Love, your kiddos

1 comment:

  1. Boy's, thanks for posting these pictures. it is great to see you both out in the playground having a fun time. I wish I could be there with you and enjoy the nice warm weather. The "fixed" the heater in our tent and it is sooooo hot in there that it is hard to sleep at night. Maybe someday they will get it right. Noah, sorry to see that you skinned your arm. I am glad that you are adventurous and like to climb on stuff. Jake, I like your smile…I like your smile even more when mom makes you smile cause she is smooching you! Emma can roll over now and she has teeth…what next, she will be driving a car?
    Love you boy's. Dad.
